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People Before Profit
9 min readApr 12, 2021


If I were a major corporation and presented to the world, I’d like you, the people to take an experimental vaccine that wasn’t FDA approved and killed all animals it was tested on — would you volunteer to take it? Would you volunteer your children? Your loved ones? Would you demand people you don’t know to take it? Would you publicly shame and guilt others if they decided not to participate? Let’s take it a step further… Would you pay for it with your own money? Would you participate even if you can’t sue the corporation that gave it to you for damages it has caused you? Would you participate if nothing covers you for damages (government, insurance etc)?

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That’s where we are at in our world right now. I bet most of you reading this are saying no the above. “Absolutely not, I would never do this to anyone, especially those I love.” Or some of you at this point may be saying, “depends on the context.”

Well we are and we are doing it to each other.

Because here is how identity marketing works. It’s kind of like the Hero’s Journey. I’m a huge fan of Donald Miller, StoryBrand so I’m going to use his SB7 framework (which is absolutely brilliant by the way).


You have the hero aka character in the story (Identity). Who’s the hero? Well, that’s easy, YOU ARE! And you are going to SAVE the world even if that means denying others the right to live. YOUR going to SAVE lives. This is the change you want to make in the world, and how wonderful it is to participate in this incredible time and help save some lives.


You have a problem aka villain. There is a nasty virus world wide called Covid19 and now there are variants of it. This virus has a (per CDC): Ages 0–19: 99.997% Ages 20–49: 99.98% Ages 50–69: 99.5% chance of survival rate BUT it could kill those who have weak immune systems, especially the most vulnerable. Not only that, this virus has caused many other problems like no longer being able to see or visit your family (now illegal in some countries), hug people, leave your home, travel, make a living, have freedom of any kind and so on. This villain is the utmost evil and has completely changed our world and the way we live as a whole.


Then you meet a guide aka CDC, WHO, WEF and many other corporations such as our governments, police, health officials etc. These guides are here to “protect us and save lives.” They are the authorities and experts who have our best interests in mind. They are the ones guiding us through this pandemic so that we can SAVE lives while denying others (cancer patients, health treatments others haven’t received because of covid, mental health declining at rapid rates, restricting freedoms — arresting us if we visit our families, locking us up in quarantine camps if we travel and feeding us food we are deathly allergic to, denying us the freedom to work, buy groceries, get an education, run our business, and making our own health choices for us).


This plan is to follow all of the rules (while breaking their own) the CDC, WHO, WEF and corporations such as our governments, police and health officials. This plan is to social distance, wear a mask 24–7, disinfect your hands before entering each store, spend all of your time watching media or being on your devices, not visit family or friends, only buy essential items and shop at big box stores like Amazon, Walmart etc, obey curfew, do not attend church but liquor stores can be open 24–7, and lastly the most important part of this plan to do your part as a hero is to take the vaccine and get your health/green passports.

And if you meet all of their demands, rules and policies you still have to wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands and be in lock-down. I’m going to make a wild assumption as I’m sure many others have made this assumption too, that if we followed the plan don’t we get to have our freedoms? The answer is no. You must keep obeying the policy makers. But hey (in my most sarcastic voice) YOU’RE SAVING LIVES!


Take the experimental vaccine, encourage everyone you know to take the experimental vaccine, get your green/health passport, obey policies (whatever they may be), spend all your money on major corporations not local mom and pop shops (help us shut these down), censor others who may feel differently etc. Feel free to add more CTA’s in the comment section below.


SAVING LIVES and going back to normal: hugging each-other, being face to face, living life like we used to before 2020 happened — is what I hear from so many whom I love and respect. I mean… this is why we are doing this right???

I have an answer for you and you’re not going to like it, not one bit, I don’t like it either…. the answer is WRONG. This is not why we are doing this.

Buckle up WEF predicts this may keep going for another 12 months:

And this:

The covid19 agenda is all over the internet as to why this is happening. I encourage you to research it from all perspectives, all sides and come to your own sovereign decision as to why you think this is happening. To do this takes courage. It took me a lot of courage to do my own research and to write this article.

“In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.”
― Donny Miller

Ignorance is not a bliss. Ignorance today can take away your future and harm others unless you wake up and pay attention.


Failure for the hero like yourself would be preventing from loved ones and/or other people dying. Failure would mean we weren’t able to save lives and end the story in suffering. And failure would also mean we live like this forever: lock-downs, zero freedom, etc.

This is the Hero’s Journey. From people dying from a virus to all people being protected from it with an experimental vaccine that’s never been tested.

From our old normal being disrupted to if we comply with all the rules to possibly, maybe going back to normal. But if you pay attention to WEF agenda… we won’t ever be returning back to normal, at least not for another 12 months. “Two weeks they said, then we can return back to normal” — 2020. We are going on 13 months and counting and your telling me we have another 12 months to go?

Then it leaves us with the question? What is the success YOU want for yourself and the world in these times with Covid and the pandemic? What is the failure YOU want for yourself and the world to avoid? What does being a hero mean to YOU for yourself and the world? What is a true hero?

A great story involves transformation. The Hero goes on a journey wherein they transform from a weak character into a strong character, a failure to a success, an outcast to a superhero.

This is identity marketing.

Some other marketing tactics they use are:

  • Get the people to see themselves as the hero
  • Get the people to be so afraid of the problem that they’ll take immediate action without question
  • Get the people to volunteer to take action to save lives
  • Get the people to put down others, censor or divide if they don’t participate
  • Get the people to do social proof (posting pictures of themselves getting the jab on social media to share with friends so they are inspired to get it too)
  • Get the people to turn against each other
  • Get the people confused about the policies
  • Wove together fear, romantic idealism and just enough truth to appeal to people’s actual situations and to suggest that their own leadership was infallible
  • Celebrity/Influencer endorsement (get celebrities to endorse the solutions)
  • Use propaganda to influence people

This amazing identity marketing campaign they used on the people was so good that many have identified themselves with being a hero to save lives (and deny others) against covid19 with untested solutions such as social distancing, masks, disinfectants, curfews, and taking an experimental vaccine that does not cover you at all if you or your loved ones experience any damages to your health.

It was SO GOOD that the above questions I asked in the beginning of this article people are lining up out the door for a jab, sharing it on social media and putting down others and denying them their human rights if they decide it’s not the right choice for them or their children.

If you want to market your business or anything successfully, the Covid19 health campaign for the world is a great example. Follow it and you will be successful.

In fact we are at a whole other level of Identity Marketing (the so-called “Hero’s Journey”) where some countries are actively participating in denying other humans the right to live (buying groceries, hospital care, employment, education, the list goes on) if they don’t participate by taking this experimental vaccine.


Humans by nature are loving, kind and compassionate. Somehow the media and these corporations have succeeded at this identity marketing by actively influencing those participating to deny other humans the right to live.


How did we get here? If you are actively participating in this experiment and are so solid on this new identity the media and corporations are marketing, your probably reading this and in your mind screaming, “WE ARE SAVING LIVES.” But are we? We save some but kill off the others? We allow those who have “privilege with the Vaccine and passports” have a right to live but not the others?

What has happened to humanity? Why are we repeating Hitler times?

I am not anti-vaccine. I am pro-choice. I am pro-human lives whether they take the jab or not. There has to be other alternatives to “saving lives.” This whole saving lives identity thing has gone to such an extreme, so much that we are denying other humans the choice and right to live for fear that they may kill other people… yet we are doing the same to them. Is this the world you wanted to create?

If you could have your ideal new world, what would that look like? What would life be like for you and the world in 2030?

I dare you to re-imagine and re-write your vision of the future. WEF has written all kinds of articles on their 2030 agenda (it’s not even conspiracy, it’s out there for all to see). I dare you to write your own.

For me I’ve thought about this question long and hard since 2020. In fact I’ve got an article coming out for it. It’s called, “My Version Of 2030 Predictions — How Life Could Change by 2030.”

Now back to you. You stepped into an identity to save people’s lives while unwittingly killing others. Is this the identity you dreamed of becoming?

There has to be a better way. We the people must demand these “guides” for a better way because the way we are heading is not it, nor is it in the best interests of we the people.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article.

Note: If your triggered by this perspective — good. Triggers mean there are parts of you unhealed. Triggers open the door to facing your truth, shadow and deeper healing. Go through that door — it will do wonders for you and humanity.

